Hotel Fitness Concierge
Staying at a hotel often means Guests put a pause in their fitness routine because:
The hotel gym may not have all the amenities the Guest desires.
They think they won’t have enough time & motivation.
They are used to the exclusivity of a trainer and do not know how to find a quality trainer.
Mind Over Matter’s Fitness concierge service is the solution. This service provides everything your Guests need to stay in shape utilizing the Hotel’s gym or the surrounding areas. Whether it’s a workout in the hotel gym, outdoor workout in Central Park or a Yoga Session along the west side highway, our trainers will make sure the guests have a memorable workout!
How it works:
Sign up for our Fitness Concierge program.
We’ll provide you with marketing materials.
When your Guest requests a trainer, you call us and we handle the rest.
Our trainers arrive at the hotel at the appointed time.